New fuels, new engine technology and new, super fine filters mean diesel fuel additives are more important now than ever before. Every fuel related problem is unique, from water and asphaltenes to gelling and bacteria growth. Regardless of your fuel problem, you can trust that FPPF has seen it before and has a product to fix it.

Emergency Contact

FPPF Chemical Company is switching companies handling our Emergency Calls.

Going forward, ALL "In Case of Spills or Emergency" calls should go to PERS.


North America: 1-800-633-8253
International: +1-801-629-0667
Contract Number: 8027


If you or your customers need further assistance, we encourage you to contact FPPF by submitting this contact form.

You can also reach FPPF by calling your regional sales representative or our toll free number at 1-800-735-3773.