fuel additive Company
Summer Program
Bulk Fuel Tanks
Take fuel sample in the spring. Use a Bacon Bomb and clear jar (8oz. Kerr canning jar works well) to retrieve a sample from the bottom of the tank. Lab analysis for water and bacteria content (see your FPPF distributor for fuel sampling and lab work). Water content in fuel over 500ppm is out of spec.
Water Treatment
Fuel Power, Bio Fuel Power, or Lubricity with Fuel Power will remove a 1:1 ratio in water; add to every load of fuel.
- May double dose first 1 or 2 loads of fuel if water content severe.
- Bio Fuel Power will also help stabilize Glycerin in bio fuel.
Bacteria Treatment
Killem, (one treatment in spring) will shock the tank, killing the bacteria. Double dose if bacteria content is severe. Note - must use Fuel Power with killem, water is the cause of bacteria growth and leaving it untreated will allow bacteria to return. See water treatment above.
Individual Vehicle
Every PM, if vehicle is fueling on the road, treat fuel tank with a Fuel Power product and a shot of Killem. This will clear the tank of any water or bacteria contamination.
Winter Program
By following the summer program above, your fuel tanks should be clean and free of any water or bacteria heading into the winter months. This is critical to a trouble free winter.
Bulk Fuel Tanks
Take a fuel sample in the fall. Use a Bacon Bomb and a clear jar (8oz. Kerr canning jar works well) to retrieve a sample from the bottom of the tank. Lab analysis is available for water, bacteria and CFPP. (See your FPPF distributor for fuel sampling and lab work). CFPP is the temperature that your fuel will gel enough to shut down the vehicle.
Water & Anti-Gel Treatment
Polar Power, Total Power or Bio Diesel Winter Treat will protect against gelled fuel and water buildup. See documentation from your FPPF distributor for treat rates and results (CFPP testing done by ANA Labs).
Bacteria Treatment
Killem, (one treatment in fall) will shock the tank killing the bacteria, double dose if bacteria content is severe.
Individual Vehicle
Every PM, if vehicle is fueling on the road, treat the fuel tank with a winter product listed above and a shot of Killem. This will treat for cold weather, clear tank of water and bacteria. Send winter product with drivers on the road - cheaper and better results than blending #1 fuel or buying additives at the truck stop.
* Note - Gasoline should also be checked for water and aging, treat with FPPF Gasoline Treatment.
* Note - All Additives should be added before fuel to ensure good mixing.